Sunday, November 18, 2007

now it's winter...

woke up today to some coldness...

one: -2 C and wind. busted out my winter clothes a couple of weeks ago, and now...i guess...i need em.

two: good classmate's father died. adult set leukemia...Acute Myelogenous Leukemia to be exact.

which led me to wonder why is it that before nobody seemed to be dying and now in korea, so many more seemed to be doing so. is it korea? or have i t that age in my life when i see this more often...death is becoming more of a reality.

it sure is going to be a cold winter...


At November 18, 2007 at 10:13 PM , Blogger don't call me chuck woolery... said...

joe, sorry to hear about your classmate's loss. one of my patients also died this week; she was found dead at a bus stop...tragic.

here is the answer: the older you get, the more people you know, and the more stuff happens. similarly, the longer i'm a doc, more of my patients die. that's life.

enjoy the cold; it was like 60's here this weekend. happy thanksgiving.


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